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Mental Health First Aid

June 2017

This three-day Mental Health First Aid Training session provided participants with the basic tools to effectively inter-vene and support students, co-workers, and members of the public who are experiencing mental health problems.  

College Education Development Program (CEDP):Phase 3

June 2017

This three-day meeting with colleagues from six Ontario colleges asked participants to critically reflect on our role as teachers and to explore our successes, our ongoing challenges, and our pathways to continued improvement. There was also a focus on the importance of looking after yourself, maintaining your wellbeing, and preserving your energy and passion. A highlight of this phase was the closing Keynote address by Tim Pychyl ~ Pedagogy and Pleasure: How Enjoying our Teaching is Essential to Student Success. 

Participants were presented with CEDP Certificates of Completion, marking the end of our CEDP journey.

Tilting Axis 3 Conference, National Art Gallery, Cayman Islands

April 2017

Tilting Axis 3 brings together arts professionals who are interested in, and committed to, expanding contemporary visual art practice across all linguistic areas of the Caribbean. Participants include those based in the Caribbean and its diasporas, professionals working in the coastal rim of the Caribbean, as well as global professionals whose research and practice is influenced by the region. The goal of Tilting Axis is to facilitate opportunities for those who are living and working in the Caribbean, to increase interest and understanding of this region’s contemporary visual practice while contributing to a healthy cultural eco-system and purposeful growth for the Caribbean creative sector.

Course Outline Management & Mapping Systems

February 2017

This hands-on training session provided instruction on how to review and update sections of your Course Outline, align your evaluations with your Course Learning Outcomes, Essential Employability Skills and Program Vocational Learning Outcomes (VLOs), map your course to those VLOs and submit your Course Outline for review and approval.

CEDP Teaching Circles

September 2016 - April 2017

Monthly meetings directed by Michael Van Bussel, PhD. were held at Fanshawe College. These meetings included group review of readings relevant to teaching, visiting speakers who are available to provide resources to support instructors in the classroom, and faculty peer mentoring.

Art Residency, NSCAD University, Halifax, Nova Scotia

May-June 2016

As an invited resident artist, I worked on a stone lithography project for 6 weeks in the Printmaking Studio at NSCAD University. While there, I presented an Artist Talk to the public, met with students in the BFA Program (some of whom were my past graduates from Fanshawe College), and presented a solo exhibition at the Anna Lenowens Art Gallery.

College Education Development Program: Phase 2

May 2016

This three-day session began with Katheryn Brillinger (Conestoga Gollege) giving a Keynote Speech on Authentic Assessment Strategies. The session also focused on the application of education technologies in the classroom to enhance student learning. Participants were encouraged to start an Integrated Technology Project. In preparation for the workshop, participants completed online modules in Assessment and Integrating Technology into the 


FOL Tools: Rubrics & Assignments

September 2015

Fanshaweonline (FOL) Assignment Tool is a very efficient way to collect assignments from students, and with a good rubric, electronically submitted assignments can be marked effectively. Rubrics answer many of the questions students have when approaching class projects (even before they ask them), and they provide valuable feedback to students helping them understand why marks were lost. This workshop explored how to create a good rubric and link it to a dropbox within an FOL course, and ways you can set dropboxes up for automatic plagiarism detection and provide audio feedback.

Collaborate: Web Conferencing & Lecture Capture

September 2015

Participants in this workshop were provided with a solid foundation on Web Conferencing, enabling them to successfully deliver live, interactive Blackboard Collaborate web conferencing sessions. Participants learnt how to effectively manage the session communication tools, display PowerPoint content and record sessions for later playback.

College Education Development Program: Phase 1

August 2015

This three-day training for educators included sessions in active learning, lesson planning, and shared practices in effective classroom management. In preparation for the workshop, participants completed online modules in Creating a Positive Learning Environment, Lesson Planning, Outcome-based Education, and the Teaching Professional.

© 2017 Joscelyn Gardner


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