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ARTS-1024-Intermedia (Fall 2015, 2016; Winter 2016, 2017)

This one semester course is designed to introduce students to an appreciation of the inter-disciplinary aspects of contemporary art. The course provides students with an introduction to work in digital time-based media, including video and sound. Class projects engage conceptually with early film and video history and are structured around creative methods of working with video (shooting and editing), the spoken word, and performance.

ARTS-3003-Visual Research 1 (Fall 2015, 2016)

This intermediate level course is experimental and open-ended, and includes analytical drawing to discover new ways of seeing, including the examination of every day objects in changing situations. Perception and the principles of looking in a larger context will be explored through application and experimentation using a wide range of materials and drawing surfaces. Drawing will be addressed as medium, process, and metaphor.

ARTS-3006-Printmaking 1 (Fall 2015, 2016)

This intermediate level course will examine traditional methods of printmaking in a contemporary art context. Many variations of relief and intaglio printing techniques will be explored to a high degree of experimentation and resolution. Technical competence and conceptualization will be expected from the



ARTS-3009-Visual Research 2 (Winter 2016, 2017)

In this intermediate level course, the student continues to discover new ways of seeing. Perception and the principles of looking in a larger context are explored through application and experimentation using a wide range of materials. Drawing is extended to include a major painting/mixed media project for public exhibition as well as the exploration of drawing in time-based media and three-dimensional space.


ARTS-3012-Printmaking 2 (Winter 2016, 2017)

This intermediate level course examines traditional and contemporary methods of printmaking in a contemporary art context. Many variations of digital and silkscreen printing techniques are explored to a high degree of experimentation and resolution. Technical competence and conceptualization are expected from the student. Projects explore how print media (particularly the printed multiple) and photography may be used to comment on / intervene into a mediated world.

ARTS-3034-Fine Art Studio 3 (Fall 2014)

This second year intermediate level course builds on the insights and information obtained in the first year, placing emphasis on concepts and processes. The course takes the form of a series of group and individual projects, each specifically dealing with the links between concept and material definition. The understanding of shifting concepts, process, documentation, installations, painting, narrative, and associative cultural relations is explored.

ARTS-3035-Fine Art Studio 4 (Winter 2015)

This intermediate level course builds on the concepts and information obtained in Fine Art Studio 3 (ARTS-3034), placing more emphasis on digital media processes. The course takes the form of a series of individual and group projects that stress the development and deconstruction of concepts and subject. Projects in drawing, performance, installation, photography, and video give access to the concerns of subject.

ARTS-5028-Fine Art Studio 5 (Fall 2014, 2015, 2016)

Building upon the satisfactory completion of work covered in the prerequisite studio courses, students enter into an advanced level program of semi-independent research in a variety of media, as defined and developed by the faculty using tutorial methods and group critiques. Emphasis is towards ongoing displays and exhibitions.

ARTS-5019-Fine Art Studio 6 (Winter 2015, 2016, 2017)

Students continue into an advanced level program of semi-independent research in a variety of media, as defined and developed by the faculty and individual students using a semi-tutorial method and group critiques. The emphasis is towards ongoing exhibitions, Satellite Project Space involvement and graduation exhibition. This course includes practical experience on business aspects of art: e.g. designing and printing a catalogue, research and writing about artwork, documenting artwork, making professional presentations, organizing, selecting and hanging exhibitions. Graduating students are required to participate in a group public exhibition.

© 2017 Joscelyn Gardner


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